RUNNING 5 km @ 25min
Product Description
- Caters for runners of the 5km distance at 25min finish
- This training plan ties everything together securing the 25min finish time
- Week by week detailed guidance is presented, and each training session has a specific purpose to prepare you
- Duration of training is 10 weeks and it takes you through a progressive overload sequence
- Specific sessions required to get you ready for the speed
- The creator of this program is *Exercise Physiologist / Level II ITU Certified Triathlon Coach Kypros Nicolaou, MA, B.Sc.,( multiple Ironman Finisher)
- A doctor’s OK is a must before engaging in such a training plan
- Listen to your body’s signals, and respect them if symptoms or injuries do manifest during your preparation for the 5km
- Caters for a non-beginner runner
- Seek professional medical advice if symptoms do not go away after 5-8 days duration
- Read thoroughly the plan before commencing.
hollingirard – :
Great training plan! Effective work out and fast results. Very happy with this selection.Highly recommended