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The intensity disciplined athlete. by K.N.*

In competitive but also in recreational sports, the parameters used for the successful recipe are duration, frequency, intensity, volume namely reps and sets. Mix the above in the right balance for your case and success is imminent, ensuring that you do end up reaching your destination. Throughout my career I have witnessed that the athletes […]

Sweat rates for real people. by K.N.*

The human body functions in optimum operation when in the eu-hydrated state. That been said, the loss of fluids will jeopardize sports performance, and if this escalates with further losses, health issues will arise. During long endurance sports, sweat loses occur via various avenues, with a purpose to remove the excess heat build-up, and cool […]

Running “after the bike”…

  When I first started writing this article I thought this would be interpreted literally by non –triathletes and I would get to see people running behind expensive bikes … But in this article I am referring to triathletes finishing the 3 leg of the triathlon the final push for the run. Usually reserves are […]

Cognitive benefits from exercise.

Article by Costas Michaelides, MD, Consultant Neurologist The benefits of exercise both physical and mental have been proven in multiple studies over the years. There is no doubt that regular exercise can improve one’s well-being. It lowers the chance of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke. It reduces anxiety and the chance of developing depression. […]

To “wetsuit or not” for triathlons.  by K.N.*

      Trying a triathlon inevitably brings all athletes to a point of contemplation about the 1st and most technical aspect of the event, the swim. Efforts and thoughts gather around the task on how to tackle this leg in the fastest and most efficient manner as possible.  Easier said than done. The gear needed for this leg are, a tri- suit, googles and, temperature-depending,  a wetsuit or  […]