Unique ready-made training plans for triathletes, runners, swimmers, and people who want to improve their general fitness. These carefully designed plans, take in to consideration your Health and your Performance. The sporting history and Academic background of Strength & Endurance Coach Kypros Nicolaou, MA, B.Sc., creates a trustworthy method that is transferred effectively in to the training and fitness ideas presented in the available plans bellow:

With over 25 years of combined racing & coaching experience, Kypros Nicolaou, MA, B.Sc., helps recreational & National level athletes worldwide achieve their goals. The athletes he coaches, (athletes testimonials) feel safe and have peace of mind knowing that his work ethic, force him to deliver up to date advice, through continuing non- stop education. Armed with Certifications coming from the famous ACSM, as a Health & Fitness Instructor, a Level II Triathlon coaching certification from the ITU, and an ASA – Swimming Certification, the philosophy “Connecting theory with practice” is a proven and successful methodology. Kypros respects his athlete’s busy lifestyle’s, most of them having hectic schedules, and factors all those in, to present a tailor-made advice that makes sense. As a top priority he safeguards his athlete’s health, and will not sacrifice it for top performance. As a father of two, a boy and a girl, with a humble understanding about life, it’s beauty, and complexity, he is available to help you directly achieve your personal goals.